Iceberg + Spark + Trino + Dagster: modern, open-source data stack demo

Dev Genius
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2022


I assembled the ngods (new generation open-source data stack) two months back and have used it for two projects since then.

ngods architecture

I found that the data stack nicely scales from small data (a few GBs) to mid-size data (a few hundred GBs). It is also much cheaper than the cloud data stacks that utilize usage-based pricing (e.g., Snowflake, Redshift, or BigQuery).

I created a simple demo demonstrating its capabilities. You can use it as a starting point for your own project.

The demo is available in this GitHub repository. It retrieves selected stock symbols data history from Yahoo Finance API, stores it in a data warehouse, transforms it, and provides an analytical model for machine learning predictions and data visualizations.

The demo uses medallion architecture with three data stages: bronze, silver, and gold.

Medallion architecture
  • The bronze data stage stores the data in the form of its original data source. This stage uses Apache Iceberg for data storage.
  • The silver data stage stores cleaned and transformed data that blend the original data from the bronze stage. This stage also uses Apache Iceberg.
  • The gold data stage implements the analytics model (dimensions, facts, etc.). I've decided to use the Postgres database for this stage.

The ngods data stack uses dbt for data transformation. The dbt executes SQL in Apache Spark for data transformations in bronze and silver stages.

Apache Spark executes data transformation in bronze and silver data stages.

The dbt must move data between the silver and gold data stages as the gold stage uses Postgres. I decided to use the Trino that maps all medallion data stages in Apache Iceberg and Postgres to schemas in one database.

Trino federates access to all medallion data stages.

The ngods use Dagster to orchestrate data warehouse initialization, stock data download, and dbt data transformation. I love Dragster's extensibility with Python code.

Dagster orchestration.

I built the analytics layer with and Metabase. exposes a headless analytics model with dimensions and metrics. headless analytics data model.

Metabase connects to this model for data visualization (reports and dashboards).

Metabase self-service data visualization.

I also use Jupyter notebook for machine learning prediction of future stock trends (ARIMA time series model).

Apple (AAPL) stock price trend prediction with ARIMA.

You can run this demo in a few quick steps.

